Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Megan!

Today is Megan's 8th Birthday! Happy Birthday my beautiful daughter. It doesn't seem possible that you are 8 years old today. I remember your "Birth Day" like it was yesterday. The anticipation of hearing your first cry and then listening as you announced to the world you were here. After that first cry, I remember knowing at that moment that God was real! There wasn't a doubt in my mind. It was as if all my questions and all the confusion that plagued me just melted away. And in that one moment it all made sense.

Megan's birth has been the beginning of my journey. Through her I have grown in my faith, learned to love and see through the eyes of a child. She helps me see the beauty in the world. The same beauty that I usually overlook. Like today on the tollway, Megan spotted one lonely sunflower growing on the edge of the road. Something I completely missed until she pointed it out to me. She has taught me to appreciate the work of God's hands again.

So today, as I look back to the previous 8 years, I thank God once again for the joy of having a child. My child. My beautiful, loving, strong, graceful and intelligent daughter. I love you little girl, Happy Birthday once again.

Psalm 127:3 "Children are a gift from the Lord."