Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Me from A to Z

I saw this on Micca Campbell's blog and thought it was fun! If you'd like to join in the fun, leave your blog address in my comments box so we can all read about you!

A is for Age... 36 in actual years, 16 at heart.

B is for Burger of choice... Not a big burger lover, give me a sloppy joe instead.

C is for what Car you drive... Chevy Minivan (or as my brother calls it a "soccer Mom vehicle." Of course in my family it would be an "Ice Skating Mom vehicle.")

D is for Dog’s name... Dutchess, our 90 lb Greater Swiss Mountain Dog or as we affectionately call her our 90 lb baby. She is a Mommy's girl all the way.

E is for Essential item you use every... My computer. I can sit here for hours blogging.

F is for favorite TV show at the moment... Ok I am ashamed to admit this, but I am hooked on Beverly Hills 90210 reruns. Is there a support group for this?

G is for favorite Game... I love to play basketball. My daughter Megan and I will shoot hoops in the driveway all night if you let us.

H is for Hometown... I consider Winthrop Harbor, IL my hometown. I have spent the most time here. It is one of the few places that has ever felt like home.

I is for Instruments you play... Does a recorder count? Let's say I am musically challenged and leave it at that.

J is for favorite juice... Cranberry juice. Well just about anything with cranberry in it, not just juice.

K is for who you’d like to Kiss... I'd like to kiss my husband but he's not home from work yet!

L is for Last restaurant you ate at... Applebee's. Made a pig of myself eating Fajitas. YUM!

M is for favorite Muppet... Cookie Monster. I know I'm old school, but no one has ever been able to hold a candle to Cookie. Plus it describes me to a T!

N is for Number of piercings... 5 all in my ears.

O is for Overnight hospital stays... 3 I think! The last one was the best, I got to bring home my beautiful daughter.

P is for People you were with today... Lots, I had the privilege of filling in for our church secretary today. I was able to spend the morning with some of my favorite people.

Q is for what you do with your quiet time... I love to read. Especially Karen Kingsbury's books, she is my favorite author.

R is for biggest Regret... For the times in my life when I have ignored God's advice and done things my way. My way always led me down a path of heartache.

S is for Status... Married for 11 years come November. One beautiful soon to be 8 yr old daughter.

T is for Time you woke up today... 8am. Too early for my liking. But then again I am a night person.

U is for what you consider Unique... God's love. There is none like it!

V is for a vegetable you love... Butternut Squash. I look forward to it every year.

W is for Worst habit... Laziness and Selfishness. God's still working on me with these.

X is for the number of X-rays you have had... I couldn't tell you. ALOT.

Y is for Yummy food you ate today... Does Cheerios count? Pathetic I know.

Z is for Zodiac sign... I'm changing Z because I don't do zodiac signs. So Z is for the number of Zits you have had since becoming an adult... The answer is, More than when I was in puberty. How can that be?


Tom said...

Tom Tippery

Mike said...

GO CUBS!!!!!