Monday, May 7, 2012

Life in the Fast Lane

Have you ever felt like you were chasing your life?  Like you were two steps behind?

That is exactly where I am right now.  My life is crazy busy right now.  Working two jobs, being a wife, mother, PTO Treasurer, and Church volunteer. Whew, I am tired just typing it! I know this is just a season and that it will not last forever.  But right now it's very overwhelming to me.  I have always strived to keep calm in our house, by not allowing our schedules to be overloaded with activities and committments.  But somehow all the planning in the world has not kept this season of busy at bay. 

Sometimes we take on extra tasks or responsibilites in hopes they lead to something more promising or beneficial.  That was the reasoning with the second job.  The hopes of it turning into a permanent position next year.  Will it, I don't know yet.  The answer to that question is still in God's hands and timing.  My job is to wait and be patient.

But in the mean time, I am striving to keep my focus on Christ in the midst of the busyness.  My fear is that I will neglect my quiet time and Bible study time due to tiredness and lazyness.  I really don't want that to happen, because when I neglect that very important part of my life, it shows! My attitude starts to revert back to my former self.  The "self" I keep muffled and locked up in a closet in the back of my mind.  The self that is hurtful, angry, and just plain nasty.  It is so easy to revert back when I ignore the Holy Spirit in me. 

But as I'm getting older, I'm realizing more and more, how important time with Christ is Everyday! It needs to be a priority, not an afterthought.  I need to flood my life with His truth through scripture, Christian blogs, and Bible study.  I need to make a conscience effort to filter the amount of TV, media, and secular music I allow into my life. I can no longer balance the scales of God things with world things.  The God side needs to outweigh the world side daily.  Can I totally ignore the world side? No, not unless I want to be Amish and I don't think that is God's plan for me.  But I need to be cautious about how much world stuff I let penetrate my life.

I often think that this day of technology and internet is the most difficult time in history to be living.  I study how previous generations have lived and how simple their lives were even 2 generations ago.  In our need to "stay connected" we are disconnecting from some of the most important things in our lives.  God, family, and friends.  Real people, not a Facebook profile.  Don't get me wrong, Facebook can be a wonderful tool, but it cannot replace human contact.  And it definitely cannot take the place of a true relationship with Christ.

So my goal over the next 5 weeks of busy is to stay connected to Christ, my family, and my friends.  The people that talk to me in person and share true time with me.  I will keep you posted on how I'm doing. Until next time, keep me in your prayers!


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