Friday, October 28, 2011

Wow It's Been 3 Years!

I cannot believe it has been 3 years since I last blogged. So much has changed in my life. Some good things and some bad things. It has been an unbelieveable adventure, if nothing else.

I had forgotten about this blog until recently. I felt like I was being led to start sharing my thoughts and ideas again. There are so many times I feel like writing and expressing all the feelings I hold inside. Of course, there are other times when those thoughts and feelings are better off left in my head. But for some reason, unknown to me right now, I feel the need to blog again. So let's get to it....

For several months I have been thinking about relationships. Relationships in all shapes and forms, from marriage, to parenting, friendships, co-workers, etc. Relationships are not easy and most of the time they take a lot of work. They span the spectrum of emotions, from happiness to heartache and everything in between. There are relationships you would die for and then there are those relationships you know you have to surrender.

Surrendering relationships are the ones on my mind tonight. God calls us to love people, but I don't remember Him saying in the Bible that every person we meet needs to be in our life. I believe there are some people that are not meant to be in our lives. The people who hurt us and manipulate us, are not good people to have in our lives. These relationships are harmful, draining us of energy, self-esteem, and confidence. These are the people who can look us in the face and stab us in the back simultaneously. Believe me, I have met a few of them the past couple of years. These are the kind of people who make you question everything about yourself. Until you're left feeling like you are this worthless piece of flesh that no one can find any use for. But you know what, they're wrong. They're wrong because God doesn't make worthless pieces of flesh. We may not know or understand why we are here, but we can be assured God does. He has a plan for every one of us. He has a purpose for placing us here.

To be honest, I struggle with this feeling of worthlessness daily. This season in my life has been one of the hardest to travel through. For a year I have buried the lies down into my soul and allowed them to eat at me. But no more!!! I will not allow the manipulators to continue to spin their lies in my mind and soul any longer. Because no matter what anyone says to us or thinks of us, God still loves us unconditionally. He still has a plan and He still desires a relationship with us.
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39.

As I was writing, this verse came into my mind and heart. I know it to be true, because in my darkest times, God has reached down to me and showed His love for me. In the midst of my doubt, the sovereign God touched my heart with His truth.

Don't allow thoughtless words and lies to hurt you. Partner with me and saying, "God loves me unconditionally and there is nothing you can say or do to me that will change that truth." Captivate your thoughts today and allow the Holy Spirit to filter in truth. This is something I need to remember too. When those discouraging thoughts start to spin in our heads, we need to say, "nope, not today." Then we need to remember how much God loves us. There's this old hymn that says, "count your blessings one by one" I think that is a great reminder. The ultimate blessing is a God who loves us and cares for us.

Until next time my friends....

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