Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Plagues? Remember in the Bible the plagues of frogs and locust? Do those still exist? That is the question of the week. Because after the week I'm having, I definately believe they do. No, I haven't had any frogs or locust hanging out at my house. My plagues came in the form of head lice and food poisoning. Yes, can you believe it, both in one week. Monday started with a phone call from a dear friend explaining that after Megan spent the weekend at their house, they discovered their children had head lice. So it was off to Walgreens for a big bottle of RID and hair treatments for all who lived at our house. Including my 21 year old nephew who wasn't amused. After cleaning rooms, packing away stuffed animals and throw pillows, we were off to Kohls for new sleeping pillows. A trip my husband enjoyed, since new pillows are always a treat in our house. No head lice were actually spotted, which in my opinion is an Act of God! Thank You God and Jesus! After a busy day battling the fear of lice, my food poisoning decided to take its turn around 4am. Think you would be safe ordering a salad. See what happens when I try to eat healthy. My body always rejects it. So Tuesday was spent in bed wishing I could have an out of body experience until the symptoms died down. Today, I decided to be more proactive and keep track of my trips to the bathroom. You know for FUN! Well that's the way my daughter saw it as she placed tally mark after tally mark on the scorecard. The angel that my daughter is, didn't realize that even though she was laughing and enjoying herself, Mommy wasn't having as much fun. But you know it is all about the kids. A little sacrifice to hear my daughter laugh. But seriously, I am very blessed even with the week I'm having. My husband did all the grocery shopping for me and made me Ramen Noodles. My daughter has stayed by my side, bringing me blankets and crackers. Sometimes we need the plagues of life to remember the blessings of life. So even though I am looking forward to this passing, I am loving the family God has given me. Until next time....

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