Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Day

Have you ever had one of those days? You know the kind, where your mind is racing in a hundred different directions and 24 hours just isn't enough time to get done what needs to be done. That was my day. It started last night at work when I received a call from my daughter's friend. You all have had this call, it starts with "Hi, Miss Pam this is Kaitlynn and can I spend the night, my mom said it was alright with her?!?!" Yeah, I bet she did. Well after working 12 hours for the third day in a row, my brain was mush. So I responded, "Of course you can spend the night." What, are you crazy? I believe the answer to that question is YES! Yes I am! Don't get me wrong, I love Kaitlynn, she is like a second daughter to me. And there was a method to my madness. In the back of my mind I was thinking, "hey she can keep Megan entertained tomorrow." She kept her entertained all right. Now being the "cool mom" that I am, I figured let's make this a fun day for the girls. I mean after all it is summer vacation right? Vacation.... for who? So we started by going out for breakfast to IHOP. Not bad, made it through the meal with nothing spilled and no one throwing up. Good Start! Now let's go shopping at Kohls. Because mom needs a few things for vacation next week. Let's not forget that the whole time, I am putting off chores that I promised would get done today. As I am walking through the jungle of clothes, trying to figure out style, price and oh yes size. My two wonderful little angels have decided that Kohls would be the best place in the world to play hide and seek. So after 10 minutes of them hiding and seeking (and by seeking, I mean running into customers and acting like 3 yr olds) I strongly encouraged them to stop. Without yelling of course, because that would damage their self esteem. Yeah, I'll damage their self esteem. Oh, oops, sorry! Now we move onto trying on the clothes. So not only do I have the embarrassment of getting undressed in front of my daughter, but now her friend also. And to add to the fun, they brought with them a sand timer. You know the kind that you turn upside down and right side up to make the sand move from top to bottom. So now I have to race against the timer too! But to be fair, my daughter did cheer me on. After finally finding a couple of things that fit, we headed for the door. But not before we had to look at purses, shoes and oh yes perfume. Perfume that the store so graciously provided sample cards by so you can test it out. Yes, you guessed it. This was too much temptation for two little girls and as they looked up at me with those innocent faces, I found myself spraying perfume onto the sample cards for them to take. And take them they did, but not before the debate about whether it was stealing or not. Which I patiently informed them it was not stealing. So now 4 hours later and a migraine, we finally made it home. But the bright ending to this story, Kaitlynn's grandma picked her up 20 minutes later. HALLELUJAH, HALLELUJAH! Oh and the chores you ask? I got them done about 12am this morning. Thank You God for strength for today and for once again keeping me off the 5 o'clock news.

1 comment:

Mike said...

That is a funny story that I am sure Eskai will get to tell someday. I especially like the part about hurting their self-esteem, when I was a kid my self-esteem being hurt was the last think on my mind (I knew something else was going to hurt when Dad got home).I prefer the MAN way of shopping: stalk it, kill it and drag it home.